Thursday, February 18, 2010


Every day is a chance to make it better then the last one… To get that much closer to what you wont to be. I have been writing what happens to me everyday (more or less) but I haven’t talked about the things that make me go through them dayz. I have 3 passions….

  1. I draw = when I draw, I can make anything happen. I become a god, making worlds come alive.
  2. I dance = every thing I feel can be put into the way I dance. (Anger, love, hope, sadness) all can be a part of my dancing.
  3. I fight = pain is a part of every life. But in pain I can see what I’m made of and push past it.

I am like a spider. If you pull one of the lags off I can still move, it just gets harder…. Last thing all say is, I am a child of God, and with his help I can make it through anything. He has given me/us gifts, and all he asks is that we use them. So that’s what I try and do every day…. But sometimes I miss, and that’s OK as long as I keep trying… that’s all He ask is that we try….

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


If your like me and you love gaming because its awesome, then i have a new video for you to check out. It is

Once More Unto The Breach

the new halo game. Now I know a lot of people say "stop with the gaming. Its not going to help you in life". well this is what I say to that. You just wait, and when the aliens come and try to take us over, or the zombies start eating your neighbor, you will be saying "how will we ever survive?" and I will say "Ask the gamers. They know..."

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What do you think?

So we all have things that we wont to do in our lives. But sometimes it takes someone else to push us. But even then if we don't have the drive we still wont do it. My dad always told me "If you wont something, you have to go out and get it. Because know one is going to just give it to you." I'm starting to understand....

Saturday, February 13, 2010

So today was a better day then yesterday was. I, The Bear, and my friend I call D-Bone hung out all day. The Bear is going through kind of a hard time right now. (Girl crap) so we had a boyz day. We went to the pizza pie cafĂ©. It was sooooo… good. And it was just a great/fun time. Then after we went to the mall and just hung out and got The Bears phone fixed. Then we came back to my place and are now going through music. Adding to play list, and downloading new songs…

I just have to say know mater what kind of day you have had, there is a type of music that will make you dive deeper into that mood, or it can put you in a totally different mood… I love all kinds of music. It just dose so much for me… well that’s it for now…. If I think of anything later ill write it in..

Bad/ Good Day

So have you ever just had one of them days where you think its going to be a really bad day, and then at almost the end the hole day just flips and you can't remember why you thought it was going to be a bad day??? Well that's just how today went. I (like most men) did something stupid that I had to say I was sorry about. I don't wont to get into it but everyone knows what I'm talking about... Well I went over to say sorry to..... well ill call her "The Queen". So I go over to say sorry. But I made a few mistakes.. 1) I had just woke up, and wasn't really dressed. 2) I hadn't really thought how I wonted to word it all. 3) I tried to sound like I was awake, witch just made me sound like I didn't care, when I did...

So after a horrible try at an apology I left really sad that I might have just lost a really good friend, and went to see another friend of mine we will call "The Bear". So I get there and The Bear is having some problems too, with someone I like to call "Boo"... It terns out that someone (you know who you are) said some things to get everyone all Hot and Mad (and not mad with a small m, Mad with a big one)

--I just don't understand why unhappy/mean people start problems for the people that are just starting to pull all there crap together--

So that happened and I said to myself (I need to get out of here for a bit) So I did. and I went out and ran around a bit...
Then after a few hours I came home to find the a friend I will call " P Bear" had called me and wonted me to come hang out with her and some old friends I hadn't seen in a really long time... then, I called my Dad who we will call "The Boss" and we talked for about an hour. (Can I just tell you all how lucky I am to have the parents I have. They are so great. If I need help they are always there. After that P. Bear came and got me. We went down, and hung for about 5 or 6 hours we came home, and I felt that I needed to talk to The Queen again. So I went in and talk to her for about 3 or 4 hours... it was one of the best talks I have had in a long time. And now I am writing about it all.

Days like this really help you know that even if you fight with them, your real friends will always be there in the end to help you..... Such a good day...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Begining

So this is my first blog, but I feel its much more then that... I (the Writer) have a chance to tell you (the reader) something ether about me, that has happened to me, or just tell you something in general....It is 4:47 Am on Feb. 11th I am in my room at the Utah Valley University, or as some have come to know it UVU... I am a Art major, and run the UVU hip-hop club....There is a topic for use to talk about (hip-hop) But that I will talk about later... A lot...

This past weeks have been one of them weeks were you just wish you had a rich member of your family die. Like an uncle you only met once when you were like 3 or 4... Or maybe I could just win power-ball. That way there would be no funeral to go to. With would be way less sad... But nevertheless I am probably not going to have ether of them happen to me. But isn't that the way it should be?? If we are given everything in are lives can we really grow from the hardships we face. If i was given a lot of money we I take it for granted?? Most likely... So I press on. I have been given an opportunity to rise above a situation. And in doing so finding out what kind of person I am....