Saturday, February 13, 2010

So today was a better day then yesterday was. I, The Bear, and my friend I call D-Bone hung out all day. The Bear is going through kind of a hard time right now. (Girl crap) so we had a boyz day. We went to the pizza pie cafĂ©. It was sooooo… good. And it was just a great/fun time. Then after we went to the mall and just hung out and got The Bears phone fixed. Then we came back to my place and are now going through music. Adding to play list, and downloading new songs…

I just have to say know mater what kind of day you have had, there is a type of music that will make you dive deeper into that mood, or it can put you in a totally different mood… I love all kinds of music. It just dose so much for me… well that’s it for now…. If I think of anything later ill write it in..

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